Dates de séjour
Nombre de Voyageurs
Tarifs & Réservation
book your stay online

Book online

Directly from this website

Choose your dates on the left.

Nous vous proposerons alors le séjour à ces dates ou d'autres en fonction de nos disponibilités.

Booking by phone

You have questions ? need specific dates for your stay?

Feel free to call us

In case of absence, leave us a message with your contact details and we will call you back quickly.

Payment methods accepted

Bank transfers accepted
Bank transfers
Debit cards accepted
Cartes bancaires

Answers to the most frequently asked questions?

Book only the lodge ?

It is possible to reserve only the gîte for 10 people. You will then have access to the entire building as well as the kitchen to prepare your meals.

Your hosts are also present on site for maintenance, maintaining the heating and will remain discreet in their private wing. You can nevertheless ask them for tourist advice and help you book activities.

Possibility of having an all-inclusive stay?

Yes, this is how we most often sell stays.  You contact us with your travel plan in Lapland, we describe  youthe accommodation  and answer all your questions regarding the stay and activities.

Certain activities will be reserved in advance to be sure of having availabilities, others can be organized and paid for on site.

Finally, we offer menus, from the simplest to gourmet as well as hearty breakfasts typical of Lapland to gain strength before the activities.

We will be at your side throughout your stay and also during the activities if you wish.

For flights, you will need to organize yourself according to your country of origin.

Should you rent a vehicle?

You can rent a vehicle or we can provide transport for you between Rovaniemi airport and our lodge. It often happens that you rent a vehicle of your own and that we make the vehicle complementary to ours so that you can also, if you wish, during the stay, travel alone.

What languages do you speak?

Your hosts speak French, English, Finnish, Swedish, Spanish.... and a few others as well.

Can I get a rental agreement for accommodation and services?

Once you have booked, we will send you an email confirmation with:

  • a rental contract
  • our rental conditions
  • the accommodation description sheet
  • instructions for payment of the deposit and validation of the contract.

Do I have to pay a deposit?

Yes, we require a deposit of 25% of the reservation amount to confirm the reservation.

Then at least 30 days before your arrival, we ask you to pay the balance of your reservation.

When your stay is near, we may ask you to pay the entire stay in the deposit or agree with you to pay the balance on the day of your arrival.

What are the cancellation conditions?

Once your booking is confirmed with payment of the deposit, the cancellation conditions depend on the proximity of the stay. The earlier you are from your stay start, the higher the refund since we will have time to offer the accommodation again to other customers. If you cancel shortly before the stay, then we keep part of the booking amount.

Each booking is different and has its own cancellation conditions. We invite you to consult our general conditions of sale from the footer of this page or log into your booking area where the cancellation conditions specific to your stay are indicated.

Can I take out cancellation insurance?

We do not offer cancellation insurance ourselves, but there are many insurance companies on the internet that offer this service. Go to Google and type in “Cancellation insurance”, you will find many depending on your country origin.

We strongly urge you to take out insurance for your trip, at least to cover unforeseen health costs but also cancellation insurance.

Any other questions?

Do you have any other questions? Do not hesitate to contact us by email or by telephone, we will answer all your questions, whether about accommodation, rates, availability, tourism, etc...