Story of a reindeer farm visit and a reindeer sledding adventure in Finnish Lapland during a stay at Lapland Real

An enchanted reindeer sleigh ride in the heart of Lapland's magic

Here's the story of a day spent in Lapland with Lapland Real for a family who came to spend a few days in the heart of the Lapland winter at our guesthouse.

The winter sun is barely rising, painting the sky in pastel hues. The air is crisp, crystalline. Silence reigns, only disturbed by the crunch of our steps on the fresh snow.

We are in Finnish Lapland, a few kilometers from Kemijärvi, far from the beaten paths of mass tourism.

It's here, in this wild and preserved nature, that we are about to experience something unique: a sleigh ride pulled by reindeer.

Our guide, a Laplander with a face weathered by Arctic winters, welcomes us with a warm smile. "Welcome to my world," he says simply, embracing the immaculate landscape around us with a gesture.

We are a small group, just six people, brought together by Lapland Real for this authentic adventure at the heart of Lapland traditions.

The reindeer farm: immersion in Sami culture

Our host invites us to follow him to an enclosure where about twenty reindeer observe us curiously. Their majestic antlers stand out against the white horizon, their gentle eyes seem to be studying us.

"These animals have been at the heart of our culture for millennia," he explains.

"For us Sami, they are much more than livestock. They are our companions, our means of subsistence, our link with nature."

With slow and precise gestures, he shows us how to approach the reindeer. We extend our hands, palms open, offering some lichen. A young reindeer steps forward, its quivering nostrils sniffing the cold air. The contact of its moist muzzle on my palm makes me shiver, not from cold, but from emotion.

It's a moment of pure connection with this emblematic animal of the Far North.

Our guide then leads us to a kota, a traditional Sami tent.

Inside, a fire crackles, spreading a welcome warmth. Around the fire, we listen, fascinated, to his stories. He tells us about the life of reindeer herders, their seasonal migrations, the challenges posed by climate change.

His words weave an invisible link between past and present, between tradition and modernity.

Preparing the sleigh: an ancestral ritual

The time has come to prepare for our ride. Our host shows us the traditional sleds, called "pulkas". Carved from wood, their elegant shape is the result of centuries of adaptation to the Arctic environment. "These sleds are designed to glide on snow with minimal resistance," he explains.

"They allow us to cover long distances with our reindeer, even in the most difficult conditions."

We participate in harnessing the reindeer, under the watchful eye of our guide. Every gesture has its importance, every knot its significance.

The reindeer shake themselves, eager to leave. Their excitement is palpable, contagious. We put on our thermal suits, mittens, and hats.

Our host checks one last time that everything is in order. "Are you ready for the adventure?" he asks with a wink.

Off on the adventure: gliding in the white silence

We take our places in the sleds, comfortably settled on reindeer skins. Our guide gives the signal to depart. The reindeer set off in unison, and suddenly, we're gliding. The sensation is indescribable. The sled glides over the snow in near-total silence, punctuated only by the breath of the reindeer and the slight tinkling of their harnesses.

The landscape unfolds around us, magical. Forests of pines and birches, their branches bending under the weight of snow.

Immaculate expanses glittering under the pale sun. In the distance, the gentle curves of Lapland hills take shape.

The cold pinches our cheeks, but we hardly feel it, so absorbed are we by the beauty surrounding us.

Our host guides the convoy with an ease born of experience. He knows every corner of this territory, every whim of the terrain. Sometimes, he slows down to show us tracks in the snow.

"Here, an Arctic hare," he murmurs. "There, the footprints of an Arctic fox." The wild nature of Lapland reveals itself to us, mysterious and fascinating.

A break in the heart of nature: fire and stories

After about an hour of travel, we stop in a clearing.

Our guide quickly lights a fire, a vital skill in these lands. The smell of burning wood mingles with the aroma of hot coffee he prepares in a large blackened kettle. We gather around the fire, savoring its warmth and comfort.

He takes flatbread and smoked salmon from his bag. This simple meal takes on an extraordinary flavor in this grandiose setting.

Between bites, our host tells us Sami legends. He speaks of the Northern Lights, those celestial dances that the ancients believed to be the souls of the deceased.

He evokes the spirits of the forest, the shamanic rituals. His stories transport us to a world where the boundary between reality and magic blurs.

The return: memories etched forever

Too soon, it's time to think about returning.

The reindeer, rested, seem as eager as we are to get back on the road. The return journey seems shorter to us, as if time had accelerated.

The last rays of the sun color the sky pink and orange, creating a breathtaking spectacle.

Back at the farm, we help our guide unharness the reindeer. These gestures, which seemed foreign to us a few hours ago, now feel almost natural.

We caress these extraordinary animals one last time, silently thanking them for this unforgettable experience.

Before we part, our host offers each of us a small leather bracelet adorned with traditional Sami motifs.

"So that you always keep a bit of Lapland with you," he says with a warm smile.

More than an activity, a cultural immersion

This reindeer sleigh ride is much more than a simple tourist excursion.

It's a dive into the very soul of Lapland, an authentic encounter with its culture and millennial traditions.

It's also a unique sensory experience: the rough contact of reindeer antlers, the smell of wood smoke, the taste of coffee drunk in the heart of nature, the deafening silence of snowy expanses.

At Lapland Real, this activity perfectly fits our philosophy: offering authentic experiences, far from mass tourism, respectful of the environment and local traditions.

Our accommodation, a renovated old Lapland school located near Kemijärvi, is the ideal starting point to live this adventure and many others.

Whether you come as a couple, with family or friends, a reindeer sleigh ride will leave you with unforgettable memories.

It's an open window to a world where man and nature still live in harmony, a journey through time and space that will mark you forever.

So, are you ready to live this Lapland adventure? Contact us to organize your tailor-made stay and discover the magic of authentic Lapland.

At Lapland Real, each day is a new adventure, each experience a story to tell.

Don't wait any longer to book your stay at Lapland Real and experience the magical adventure of a reindeer sleigh ride in Finnish Lapland.

We are at your disposal to plan your trip and activities with you in a personalized way, taking into account your desires and your budget.

Unforgettable memories await you in this land of traditions and preserved nature!

Other Activities in Lapland can complement your stay for an even richer experience.

Why not try a dog sledding ride for another perspective on Lapland landscapes?

And don't forget the unmissable visit to Santa Claus Village, for a moment of pure magic!

Here are some photos of our reindeer sledding trips and visits to a reindeer farm.